Friday 18 March 2011

Why Conversations are Important Online

When it comes to making conversations online it is important to remember that you are representing the brand and that for every brand there is a different tone. Furthermore your posts/comments must be relevant and not old news or random - that's not going to generate interest. You effectively are the face of the brand and what you say and how you say it is crucial. You are the first point of contact for the consumer. For some brands you may need to be more formal and reserved i.e Johnnie Walker.

People respond to things that are happening around them so it’s important to make sure the content you’re generating on your pages is both interesting and engaging. Everything is a conversation these days. That’s why it’s important to do activations in the real world that you can leverage upon.

Even though we are talking about conversations it's crucial that you know when not to talk and let conversations run their course. Sometimes a comment is not warranted and if you do comment on every single post it can look like the brand is trying too hard or just being plain fake. Of course there are times where you need to step in and redirect a conversation too. You don't want random conversations taking over your page that are totally off topic.

Online conversations are quick paced and consumers want an answer instantly so you can't hesitate as time matters and if you take too long they've lost interest and gone somewhere else.

If a brand has wronged a consumer and this is raised online then you must NEVER delete the comment or ignore them unless they have been offensive or used bad language. If you do it can further damage your relationship with them and it can really spiral out of control as they may take it to their blog/twitter or other online resources and then it can really spread like wild fire. And what started out as a small problem can escalate to be very damaging for the brand in the end. Generally people respond better with brands that are more transparent and upfront and honest. Admitting fault when it is found is the way to go and doing everything to repair the wronged is vital.  If you aren’t people will eventually catch you out and the result can be disastrous for any brand.

I have learned that it’s important that brands unlike people must not chatter constantly as this often leads to dislikes or negative comments about the brand. I’ve seen that comments that are relative and honest tend to get more followers on pages (twitter/Facebook) then ones about your own personal feelings. As a general rule don’t talk about your personal feelings – people don’t care – that’s what your personal page is for. 

Friday 11 March 2011

Words and Definitions

Steri Stumpie
Peeps: people
Rad: cool
Steriphenalia: Steri Stumpie badges, Steri Stumpie stickers, Steri Stumpie tattoo's etc.

Green: Environmentally concious
Efficiency: the degree to which something is exercised or undertaken
Reduce: to lower an amount/ use less of a quantity
Reuse: Use more than once
Recycle: to adapt to a new use/ use again in a different way

Johnnie Walker:
Heritage: lagacy, sense of history. Something that is passed down from preceding generations.
Premium: first class, superior high quality or value

Iconic: symbol
memories: rememberance/ recollections
Harvest: crop (grapes) that are gathered in season
Classic: Established standard

Unpretentious: not stuffy/ laid back/ modest/ not claiming to have importance undeservedly
Enjoyable: Take pleasure in